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CTI Molecular Imaging
A custom roadmap with 4 divisions, 600 employees in 20 months produced a concert of breakthru results in sales, productivity and product innovation. CTIMI market value increased from: $322M to $1.7B. All with the same resources. CTI was then acquired by Siemens Healthcare for global expansion.

Nuclear Medicine

CTI Molecular Imaging
A custom roadmap with 5 divisions in 24 months produced a concert of breakthrough results in sales, production, and product innovation. CTIMI market value increased from $322 M to $1.7 B, all with the same resources. CTI was then acquired by Siemens Healthcare for global expansion.

Aerospace and Automotive

Cessna Aircraft
With thousands of improvements, including a 96% reduction in material shortages, producing the Citation X, the world's fastest business jet, soared to new heights. Leading improvement by example, over a hundred managers were cross-trained then led improvements with 10,000 other employees and suppliers.

Delta TechOps
TechOps Experiences Major Growth! This tenacious team of six-sigma, black-belts wouldn’t quit until we solved this billion dollar problem. Around midnight, the breakthru design came. The dynamic demand solution for millions of aircraft components, led to a 5X increase in revenue and profits through productivity improvement and in-sourcing competitors engines. Becomes #1 in the World

Honda - Anna Engine Plant
For specific, micron tolerance engine components, demand changed by the hour. Ordering the right parts in time was a frustrating guessing game. The design and implementation of a multi-site dynamic demand replenishment system resulted in a 70% reduction in inventory and space. Several of Honda's worst suppliers became their best with Delivery, Quality and MVP Awards!


Bailey International
Results: 6X increase in sales. Brought back, "Made In USA", with 80% reduction in lead-time. How: 1) Redesign of local and global supply chain and production systems. 2) 54% reduction in product complexity.

Shaw Industries
From the design and implementation of a dynamic demand scheduling algorithm and SKU rationalization, the team increased fill rates by 12% and distribution capacity by 17% and sold off 125 tractor trailers no longer needed. This opened the door to a $120M increase in revenue and 18 months later was purchased by Berkshire Hathaway.
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